Monday, May 18, 2020

Course Work about Clinical and Social Psychology

Normal simply means average, whereby people who behave normally are those who act in an average typical way. From a statistical point of view normal behavior is that which is expected from the majority of the people. Therefore abnormal behavior refer to any behavior which is not typical. Abnormal also is the clear sense of deviating from the normal or differing from the typical in a well defined behavioral characteristics assigned to one when with dysfunction or rare condition. Psychological disorder: Unipolar depression There are two types or kinds of unipolar depressions namely Major depression disorders and Dysthmic disorder. People infected with Major depression disorders experience major depressive episodes and they have no history of mania in their diagnosis. In addition these disorder can categorized as recurring on preceding the previous episode; seasonal meaning it changes with seasons; catatonic if it is either marked by either excessive activity or immobility; postpartum meaning occurring four weeks on giving birth or melancholic, if the person is not affected by pleasurable events. People affected by Dysthmic disorder show long-lasting but less disabling pattern of unipolar depression disorder; a sequence referred to as double depression. Symptoms There are five symptoms of unipolar depression which vary from person to person thus pinpointing a clear set of symptoms is difficult. These symptoms exacerbate one another spanning five areas of function. They include emotional symptoms whereby most depressed people feel sad and rejected. Such people describe themselves as ‘empty’, humiliated’ or ‘miserable’. They get little pleasure from anything and they tend to lose humor. Some may also experience anxiety, agitation or anger. Motivational symptoms in which depressed people will lose their inner desire to pursue their activities. They report lack of initiative, drive and spontaneity. They may have to force themselves to talk with friends, eat meals, and go to work, or have sex, a state referred to a paralysis of will. Behavioral symptoms; whereby depressed people are less productive and less active. They stay in bed for long periods and spent more time alone. Such people may even move and speak more slowly seeming reluctant and lacking energy. Cognitive symptoms in which the depressed person holds extremely negative images about themselves. They consider themselves as inadequate, inferior, undesirable, or perhaps evil. The last symptom is physical symptom whereby depressed people have frequent physical ailments such as constipation, dizzy spells, indigestion and general pain. Psychotherapy and treatment There are different options when suffering from depression though they may not necessarily work for all people. The first step when suffering from depression is to visit your GP. Many people find these difficult since they fear that their GP may not take them seriously. However one is suppose to secure an appointment with the doctor, prepare on what to ask and the kind of words to use. Psychotherapy is the most preferred treatment for depression disorder, because although medication can help reduce some of the symptoms but it doesn’t treat the underlying psychological disorders. Medication Psychiatric drugs are an important part of treatment of depression disorders. Most commonly used drug for treatment of depression is an antidepressant. Depressant are only used incase of severe depression or moderate which hasn’t responded to lifestyle changes and psychological therapy. There are two reasons for these that recent research has indicated that unless severely depressed, antidepressants won’t work. Secondly, antidepressants like any other drug may have negative side effects. REFERENCES Greenwald, A.(1995) Implicit social cognitive; attitude, self esteem and stereotypes. Bower, G. (2010) Mood and memory. Current issue feeds. Dodge, K(2010) Social information processing factors in reaction and proactive aggression in children peer groups.

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